The Muslim World League Condemns the Terrorist Attack in the Somali Capital Mogadishu

The Muslim World League Condemns the Terrorist Attack in the Somali Capital Mogadishu


The Muslim World League (MWL) has condemned the terrorist attack that occurred in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, which resulted in a number of casualties and injuries.

In a statement issued by the General Secretariat of the MWL, the organization condemned this heinous terrorist crime, which claimed the lives of dozens, and reiterated its firm opposition to all forms of extremism, as well as all acts of violence and terrorism.

On behalf of its global councils, bodies, and assemblies, the MWL expressed its full solidarity with the Republic of Somalia and its people, in confronting anything that threatens the nation's security and stability. The MWL extends its heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and wishes a swift recovery to those injured.

Monday, 15 July 2024 - 22:39