HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa signed an agreement with Rabbi Jair Melchoir Joedis ksamfund to spread the culture of dialogue, moderation, temperance, peace & human rights in every effort to combat hate speech, extremism & radicalism

In Copenhagen, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa signed an agreement with Rabbi Jair Melchoir Joedis ksamfund to spread the culture of dialogue, moderation, temperance, peace & human rights in every effort to combat hate speech, extremism & radicalism. MWL in Denmark MWL in Scandinavia

HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa signed an agreement with Rabbi Jair Melchoir Joedis ksamfund to spread the culture of dialogue, moderation, temperance, peace & human rights in every effort to combat hate speech, extremism & radicalism
Tuesday, 26 November 2019 - 08:46