HE Dr. Mohamed Al Wakshi addresses 1200 Islamic Figures from 127 Countries representing 28 Islamic Components at the MWL conference on Islamic Unity: Perlis of Labeling & Exclusion, held in Makkah under the Patronage of the Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques. Muslim Makkah Conference.
Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Al Wakshi Expert on the Zaidi doctrine
"In Zayed Schools of Fiqh and fundamentals Rules" - Yemen
- The Muslim nation has lived a great civilization that contributed to the role in the development of various sciences and their transition from a stage to a stage in the history of mankind.
- No matter how the long the periods of stagnation the Muslim Ummah passes though, Allah will revive it with a burst of revival and recovery.
- The greatest common challenges that inhibit the development and renaissance of a nation are wars and conflicts; these we must confront and downsize them.
- Poverty, needs, violence, extremism have negative influence on the unity of the nation and its convergence.
- The proportion of agreement between the Muslim Ummah is large and reaches 90%, disagreement constitutes only 10%.
Wednesday, 26 December 2018 - 11:30