Excerpts from the SG Dr. Mohammad A. Alissa addressing world religious leaders and intellectuals as well as some politicians and journalists

Excerpts from the SG Dr. Mohammad A. Alissa addressing world religious leaders and intellectuals as well as some politicians and journalists, at the opening of the Conference organized two days ago in Vienna on "Promoting Peaceful Coexistence and Common Citizenship".


HE Dr. Alissa says: "International personalities, bodies and entities participating at the Conference of Followers of religions and cultures applaud King Salman Center for World Peace".

Secretary General of the Muslim World League says, "The discourse pursued by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the moderate approach adopted by it set things in the right course.".
Humanity still suffers from a vacuum in its coexistence and harmony

The price of the vacuum that humanity confronts in the fields of peace and cooperation is paid for by the future of our generations

The more we depart from our human description, the more we will lose a degree of merit or entitlement equal to such departure and abandonment
Religious and cultural conflict is attributed to erroneous thinking that did not believe basically in the Creator's law on difference, diversity and pluralism and not even in choice.
The scene of those practicing violent extremism did not believe in the right of existence for the individuals professing opposite views
Harmony among mankind is essential to the integrity, honor and very existence of the individual human being.

When we appreciate each others' specialties regarding religious, sectarian, cultural and intellectual conviction, we generally reach a high level of wisdom and civilization
Islam has honored human beings, basically guaranteed them freedom of choice and guided them to moral principles

The values of justice and ethics are not contingent upon certain theories, contexts or many communalities
Those who are captive to history and narratives of historians are dependent on the past they immortalized and adhered to

The sagacious individuals always seek to adopt wisdom, irrespective of its source
We are in greater need of a quality life and humane existence to reach our social, political and moral justice

It would have been much better if values are recorded - according to each context - in the constitutions of the nations for due reference when such nations are misguided in the face of the current of faith retreat

The unfortunate retreat in faith has made our amazing universe to be counted as nonsense, non-existent imagination, but when it denied faith unseen aspects, it forgot that it embraced a faith that is more intense in the unseen aspects than its repudiated unseen
Values do draw the course of interests, not vice versa

Values prevent the limitless domination of pragmatism at the expense of positive utopian values

In the context of our present diversity, we call for the preservation of the values of the common human instinct that do not represent any particular religious, intellectual or cultural characteristic

We must preserve the nature of our humanity so that it doesn't change into another one, hence it prevents our human status on the common earth from becoming imbalanced.

The most values of justice and ethics are undisputed human communalities
The constructive and effective dialogue eliminates the human tendency for isolation that created hatred, extremism and counter- extremism
The winner in the social battle of hatred and exclusion is considered to have just provisionally triumphed; he is virtually a loser
The law of Allah ensured the blessedness and sustainability of the values society and due happiness of its members
We must share together the numerous common virtues

Religions are basically innocent of the unjust wars and persecutions practiced in their names as well as that they should not also be responsible for hindering the advancement of knowledge and enlightenment in the East and West.

Only individuals perpetrating the bloody conflict and the groups supervising its activities, throughout its time span and under any slogan adopted by it, should solely bear its responsibility

Our world is in dire need of enlightenment on justice and values as much as to the one reached in the discoveries of matter and the laws of development
The human intellect, which has realized material knowledge, is still wounded regarding the social value of its communalities, an act we all agree upon

The more we properly understand the wisdom of our ethnic diversity, the more we become deeply convinced that it is indeed a source of integration, cooperation, and enrichment, not hatred, fear and exclusion.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018 - 10:23